Happy New Year, everyone! 2014 is an extra-special, super-exciting year in my household, because "
Revolutionary," debut novel of my best beloved,
Alex Myers, will be released. It will hit bookstore shelves in less than a week, on January 14, 2014. Hooray! Please take a look at
his fabulous author website, which will tell you more
about the book, and has all kinds of other excellent background information on the book and on Alex.

I will try to refrain from kvelling in my excitement about seeing the actual book in print - Alex got a few author copies a little bit in advance of the publication date, seen in boxes in the photo above - and instead tell you other, more practical things. First, for letter writers and mail enthusiasts (and really, why would you be reading this blog if you weren't a letter writer or mail enthusiast?), the novel has an epistolary element that I will not spoil here, except to say that letters play a very important role.
The book is available in eBook and hardcover on many fine internet retailers, including
IndieBound, and
Facebook: please check out
Alex Myers' author page on Facebook. Please like it. Show him some love. The power that Facebook likes hold in our strange modern world is mystifying, but if you're on Facebook, it would be ever so marvelous if you'd
like his author page.
Twitter: he tweets some great stuff on writing, the Revolutionary war, feminism, gender and trans issues, and more. Follow him on Twitter at
I recognize that, being madly in love with and married to the author for many years, I am not entirely unbiased, but I think that this is a really brilliant, special novel, and if you are a fiction reader as well as a mail enthusiast, I think you'll enjoy it and highly encourage you to check it out.
P.S. I hear there is a movement afoot to get Deborah Samson on a U.S. postage stamp... you know I'm game for that endeavor!