The creative juices are flowing fast this summer, and I am having a ball creating the postcards I wish I could find. So I've got three new designs up in my etsy shop!

1. "Solitude and good company: Lord Byron letter-writing quote postcard". I have always adored this quote by Lord Byron -- in fact, it's the very first item I put on this website when I was designing it a few years ago! -- and decided it was high time to design a postcard that featured it. The quote is at the bottom in white script on black, below a photo I took of three wonderful vintage stamps from the 1974 "Letters Mingle Souls" issue.
The text reads:
Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company.
-Lord Byron

2. I jump for joy over snail mail postcard. When I found this graphic of a girl dancing on a snail, I knew I had to put it to postal use.
Does a good letter bring you joy? Do you jump up and down with excitement when you pull promising snail mail out of your mail box? Okay, maybe there aren't too many of us who are THAT geeky over mail, but you can show your love of good old fashioned snail mail with this vintage graphic of a girl dancing on a snail. What's not to love?

3. NEW re-designed Postman postcard. I was unhappy with the red-bordered old design (which is now discounted at 7 for $5 in case you liked that design with the poem better), so I cleaned up the graphic and removed the poem, and placed it all on a soft cream background.
Reproduction of a beautiful vintage postman illustration. Meta mail, anyone? Look at his bountiful bundle of packages and letters - and he's offering a letter to you!

I've updated my very popular combination pack of postcards to include photos of all 6 designs together, too. In sum total, they are:
Snail mail: Not Dead Yet
Postman (new design on cream with no borders)
To get a letter... Write a letter.
Email: when you care enough to send the very least.
I jump for joy over SNAIL MAIL!
Solitude and good company: Lord Byron letter-writing quote
I hope some of you have as much fun with these as I did - I am certainly going to be sending some of them myself. :-)
Now, in other shop news -- I'm going on vacation next week. I will be in the woods again, my annual pilgrimage, and I'll be far away from my shop. I think I will probably put my shop "on vacation" so that no one orders items and then gets disappointed that they won't ship for a week. But when a shop goes on vacation, the items disappear until the shop returns. So if you're thinking of getting anything from my shop, do it before Monday, or wait until the shop and I come back online on July 18.