Here's one of the envelopes I've made so far (using the PaperSource envelope templates I reviewed a while back) from a wonderful, fantastical children's book called King Bidgood's in the Bathtub. The premise of the story is that the King doesn't want to get out of the bathtub, and calls all of his daily activities to happen with him in the tub. I really, really love Don Wood's illustrative style. Oh, and I tried to continue the theme somewhat in the stamps, where I used a 29-cent Columbus landing in America anniversary stamp that showed a similar kind of sailing ship.

Above is the back of the envelope as you would open it; I reinforced the seal with some deco tape and gold stickers...

...and now you can see the illustration continue, with the envelope upside down.
I had a lot of fun making this one! It kept making me smile, to look at it.